In the 1970s, consumers thought garage remote controls were impressive. They allowed users to open garage doors without leaving the car. Consumers would no longer have to get out of their vehicles to open and close the door. They could just zoom in.
Safety First: Childproofing your garage door
Garage door safety is essential- especially if you have children. Children can get their fingers stuck in garage door gaps. They can get hit by closing garage doors- and so much more.
Today, garage doors can do just about anything. But once upon a time, garage door openers weren’t even a thing. Imagine getting out of your car to open your garage door, then getting back into the car to drive it in!
Garage Door Insulation: Benefits & How-To
Garage door insulation is a crucial part of home ownership. An insulated garage door will improve energy efficiency and aid in noise reduction. It will make your home environment more comfortable.
How to Winterize Garage Doors: Tips for Getting Your Garage Doors Winter-Ready
Winterizing the garage is an essential task. If the garage is not insulated, the cold air will get into your home. It will produce an unpleasant interior atmosphere and increase your energy bills.
Why a Quiet Garage Door Operation Matters and How You Can Make Your Garage Door Quieter
A noisy garage door will not do you any favors if it is constantly disturbing your family or neighbors, but a few simple fixes can go a long way toward reducing the overall noise level of your garage. Here are some of the most common reasons your garage door may be louder than you want it to be, as well as helpful tips for reducing excessive noise to make your home and street more comfortable!
Garage Door Repairs vs. Replacement: What's Best for Home Value?
When your home has a damaged garage door, you know it's time for repairs, but you may also be considering the benefits of installing a new garage door instead. Major repairs can often be considered renovation opportunities—a chance to upgrade your home and increase its value. Repairing your garage door will get it moving again, but replacing your garage door may have other benefits to weigh against the garage door replacement cost.
By Brian Lampkin, General Manager
Garage doors and electric operators are made up of numerous stationary and moving parts. Understanding what they do is just as important as what you can touch. Learn more about how to take garage door safety into consideration!
Pick Up the Pace with High Speed Dock Doors
Right in step with today's global pressures on supply chain efficiency, Raynor dock door solutions are literally at the forefront, helping distribution centers meet new high-use requirements while saving energy. Raynor's expanded range of door designs offers the latest innovations for improved R-value, open/close speeds, and rugged durability.
Topics: torsion springs, garage door repair